
guided by a constant and profound interest in all facets of architecture, no matter what scale or typology.

1983* Bolzano – Bozen Italy
2004 graduated from “Oberschule für Geometer” Bolzano – Bozen
2004-2011 lived, worked and studied architecture in Vienna and Rome
2011 graduated in architecture with distinction from the
“Institut für Gestaltungslehre und Entwerfen | Prof. András Pálffy”
at Vienna university of technology (A)
2012 collaboration with MoDus Architects | Scagnol – Attia Bressanone – Brixen
2013 become a member of the architectural chamber Bolzano – Bozen
since 2014 own studio ATAD | Andreas Trentini architecture & design



architectural and interior design no matter what typology, scale or phase
– conceptual design

– schematic design

– design development

– construction documents

– construction bidding

– construction administration

architectural visualization
– classic architectural drawings in all scales

– classic architectural models in various scales and materials

– digital 3D, CAM, render, photorealistic compositions, animations and flythrough

architectural consulting services and many more…

Via P. Mayr Str. 11,
I-39055 Laives – Leifers (BZ)

TRN NRS 83M09 A952A

applications to join the office are accepted via mail

error: © ATAD | Andreas Trentini architecture & design - nothing on this webpage may be extracted, reproduced, published or distributed without prior written permission